Snippets is a site both created by Wikidot and its community. This is a place where you can find (or add) code snippets that can be used when creating your own pages at Wikidot.com. Code snippets are an easy way to improve your own wiki sites and to make it more attractive and functional. Embedding media, both audio and video, adding spreadsheets, making eye-candy menus is as easy as never before.
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Adding a snippet is easy.
- First, think of some name for your snippet
- Create a page (using the form below)
- Assign page tags to the created page
- Please do not use this site for testing.
- Use the Sandbox for testing.
Highest Rated Snippets
Collapsible Text Block (Rating: 343, Comments: 40)
This solutions will show you how to make nice collapsible text blocks. What for? See the examples, you should know.
Foldable List (Rating: 205, Comments: 21)
Do you like a foldable list from My Account or Site Manager? Create your own!
Tabs (Rating: 160, Comments: 88)
This solution will show you how to create tabs.
Layout With Tables (Rating: 143, Comments: 91)
A nice way to add advanced layout control using the [[table]] tag. The example uses the style attribute for the whole table and particular cells to adjust layout.
Adding A Site Logo (Rating: 110, Comments: 38)
This snippet lets you add a logo to the site by creating a custom CSS.
Include Any Page (Rating: 107, Comments: 38)
Here is a way to include ANY page within your Wiki page using an [[iframe]] element.
Google Gadgets (Rating: 104, Comments: 27)
Google now offers tons of gadgets one can embed into web pages. The directory of gadgets is available at:
Extra Side Bar (Rating: 101, Comments: 8)
Creates an extra side-bar using the floating div element. It is quite easy if you know CSS.
Automatic Sitemap (Rating: 100, Comments: 22)
It is quite important to have a nice and clean structure of the site. One of the best ways to do maintain such a structure is to use the "parent page" relation. This allows to:
- display breadcrumb navigation element within pages
- make nice sitemaps and listings
Multicolumn Layout (Rating: 90, Comments: 26)
OK, so you want a multicolumn layout. Unfortunately there are no special wiki tags for multicolumn layout but the result can be easily achieved using the [[div]] tags and adding CSS style to it.
Recently Added Snippets
Virtualization:VMclients (Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
The new VM that I used for this lab is Ubuntu 22.10, Module 02 Infrastructure and Documentation, hypervisor that I used is Oracle VirtualBox, VM computer name is Ubuntu 22.10 and VM operating system is Oracle VirtualBox. The computer that I used to complete this lab is Lenovo Yoga Windows 11.
Applications:Wireshark (Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
Module Number: Module 02 Infrastructure and Documentation
Project Number: Project 2-4 Install and Use Wireshark
Computer Used: Lenovo Yoga Windows 11
Applications:Nmap (Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
a. Nmap is an open source tool used for network discovery and security auditing. Zenmap is different than Nmap in terms of Zenmap making it easier for beginners to use Nmap's powerful features without needing to memorize command-line options, allowing users to scan save profiles, view visual representations of network topology, and is typically more accessible for users who prefer a point-and-click interface.
diatomf (Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
等级等級 0
- 安全
- 不稳定
- 实体绝迹?
WORKING SEARCH for open and closed Wikidot sites (Rating: 1, Comments: 1)
Hi there! Because most third-party services aren't free, and the Wikidot search function hasn't worked since the 2020 hacking event, I found a better search method. It uses Bing search (which usually shows more obscure websites than Google search).
Kashmir tour packages (Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
We help travelers around the world to explore kashmir- beatuful palce on earth.
Where is Viscious? (Rating: 0, Comments: 1)
- Description: Searching for Lost Dog using Divination
snippets.lol (Rating: 0, Comments: 0)
put description what kind of problem does the solution solve and how
练习的草稿文本(1145141919810) (Rating: 2, Comments: 1)
a=int(input('114514:')) if a == 1919810 : print('114514')
insert the code here