Post Redirect info from Feb 2009 asks: “Wikimedia pages that are redirected to, show text "(Redirected from <pagename)", with a link so tht you can see the redirected page. Can the same be done here?”
In action
This page has been redirected from code:redirect-from
Here is an answer involving:
- the landing page code:redirect-to (edit it) which shows a “This page has been redirected from …” message only if having been redirected from one of the two redirection pages below
- a redirection page code:redirect-from (edit it): redirects to “redirect-to” showing an appropriate message there
- another redirection page code:redirect-from-2nd (edit it): also redirects to “redirect-to” showing an appropriate message there
How the Landing Page is Coded
[[module ListPages category="code" limit="1" tag="@URL"]]
[[size smaller]]
This page has been redirected from [[[%%page_unix_name%%|%%page_unix_name%%]]]
[[div style="display : none"]]
[[module Redirect destination=""]]
How a Redirection Page is Coded
Any redirection page must be uniquely tagged with the tag specified in below [[module Redirect ...]] call — in this case “_code:redirect-from”
[[module Redirect destination=""]]
[[div style="display : none"]]
[[module Redirect destination=""]]
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by ErichSteinboeck
TOC's from many pages - 16 Feb 2012 01:47
Module Listpages Tags - 16 Feb 2012 01:24
Module Feed Drilldown: Details Page - 16 Feb 2012 01:24
Module Feed Drilldown - 16 Feb 2012 01:24
Module Feed: Collapsible - 16 Feb 2012 01:23
Module Categories - 16 Feb 2012 01:23
MiniRecentPosts With Limit - 16 Feb 2012 01:23
ListPages: Horizontal? - 16 Feb 2012 01:20
Choose A Page! - 15 Feb 2012 00:32
Redirect: From (1st) - 01 Mar 2009 18:18
Redirect: From (2nd) - 01 Mar 2009 18:17
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So, if I make a wrong redirect, how can I undo that? Is it possible? !!
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Thank you very much, that was really helpful!
Thanks Erich for such solution!
First time it is confusing - but after thinking and following your guide- Fine!
I think sometimes - all is possible on .. we need only people like you who think deeper into the procedural tasks happening on the server.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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