This is awesome! It really helped me on my site, although I had to modify the code a bit! To see how I used it, check out my site.
Is there any way to subdivide the glossary or create multiple separate glossaries on a single site that don't automatically use the existing entries?
I've made some modifications to the original code…
[[module NewPage category="glossary" template="template:glossary" button="New Definition" size="50" parent="glossary"]]
[[module ListPages category="glossary" order="titleAsc" perPage="20"]]
* {{%%title%%}} [[[[%%page_unix_name%% | edit]]]]
> %%first_paragraph%%
- NewPage module - longer text entry field, auto-assign parent to glossary, use a template (optional) which includes the NextPage/PreviousPage modules.
- ListPages module - Print title page with its page link as "edit", display first paragraph in a quotation box (assuming your definitions will always remain one paragraph long), 20 definitions per page in ascending order.
In action
I would like to show a "create this page." after a user search returns back "Sorry, no results found for your query."
Is ther a way to do this?
You can add a NewPage module to appear all the time, whether there are any results or not.
Changing content based on a module's results though, is impossible.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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I am looking for a HOVER glossary… you know a marked word in a paragraph on wich you can hover and the explination pops up… any idea?
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
I also want this, no one seems to be able to help (except suggesting Bibliography or References)
Steven is writing a wonderful howto: have a look about he status….
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Finished for now… I also am working on a glossary, it works but since ListPages does not work recursively… pages that are generated with ListPages can not contain this PopUp… So it only works (the glossary) with simple pages. Coming soon.
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
Would their be a search glossary button or category