By MokapHorse
Wanna create some nice things for your wiki? This is a tutorial for you!
I will teach you to do 8 things, Colored Text, Tabs, Blockquotes, Collapsible Text, Titles, Horizontal Rules, Code Examples and Clickable links!
Colored Text
Colored Text is freaking easy! Here is some examples of colored text:
This is a red text!
A green one too!
Here is some nice pink, made with hex codes!
multi color!!
You can choose any color you want!
To make a colored text, put the following code in your wiki:
##blue| your text##
your text
You can change the "blue" to any color you want, like yellow, red, any thing.
##green| green text##
green text
Hex colors works too, i will put a brown hex code:
##6d6853| hex code!##
hex code!
Tabs is a nice and cool thing to put and organize your website, here is an example:
This is a tab, you can put text here!
You can put images in tabs too, but anyways, here is the code:
[[tab name of your tab]]
put your text here.
[[tab another tab cool!]]
put your text here.
You can put lots of tabs, if you want another tab, here is the code for a tab, just put it inside the "[[tabview]]":
[[tab Your Tab Name]]
text goes here.
Blockquotes are nice things to put in your wiki too, it can be used for a lot of things related to text, here is an blockquote:
this is a blockquote
you can put text in it
yeaaaNested Blockquotes!
more text!!!
Here is the code for Blockquotes:
> Blockquote
> text
>> blockquote
>>> more blockquotes
more blockquotes
If you want your blockquotes to work, you need to put a space " " after the ">".
Collapsible Text
Like Tabs, collabsible text can be used to get your wiki nice and organized, here is an example:
To put a collapsible text in your wiki, just put this code:
[[collapsible show="Text here :)" hide="Dont close me :("]]
##red| Why not red text?##
awesome text here!!
Titles is what you saw in this guide, it helps organization too!
This is a title
Second Title
Third Title
Fourth Title
Fifth Title
Sixth Title
To put a title, put this code in your wiki:
+ Title with only one "+"
++ Title with two "++"
+++ Title with three "+++"
++++ Title with four "++++"
+++++ Title with five "+++++"
++++++ Title with six "++++++"
Title with only one "+"
Title with two "++"
Title with three "+++"
Title with four "++++"
Title with five "+++++"
Title with six "++++++"
Horizontal Rules
Horizontal Rules is for organization too, this is an horizontal rule:
^ Is that line
To make an horizontal rule, just simply type five "-" in your wiki, like this!
Horizontal Rules are Awesome!
Code Examples
Code Examples is everything in this guide, as the name says, it's for code showcase:
code here, showcase your viewers
To put a code showcase just put this in your wiki:
your awesome code :)!
your awesome code :)!
Clickable Links
As the name says, it's a text that when you click, it leads to something, like this:
You can change the text of the clickable link too, to make it more fancy ;)
To create clickable links, just put this:
If you want to change the text, put this on your site:
[[[https://site|Text here]]]
If you want to make the text lead to any other pages of your site, put this:
[[[name of the page of your site]]]
Thanks for visiting my guide, i hope it helps!
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by MokapHorse
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