By tsangk
Since the introduction of [[html]] blocks, users have been able to easily embed external web content easily. The following Javascript code captures HTML blocks' ability to automatically resize itself, allowing any iframed code blocks to be resized automatically too!
The following code goes into the code block:
<!-- Insecure Version --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- HTTPS Version --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
The following code is required to embed the code block:
<iframe src="" class="html-block-iframe"></iframe>
Please note, the following are required:
- append the source URL with a forward-slash, followed by a unqiue string or ID
- set the class to "html-block-iframe"
In action
Coming soon…
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by tsangk
URL Title with Slash Redirect - 04 Jan 2018 11:32
404 (Page does not exist) Redirect - 20 Nov 2012 11:40
Syntax Highlighter - 16 Feb 2012 01:45
Conditional Blocks - 15 Feb 2012 00:36
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this works for wikidot but you cannot just embed another page, like if you wanted to do a side by side comparison and see if it can be done with or without a table (really all just to see if can be done)