By giovanni_lp
I'm not very good in English, and I'm absolutely not a programmer (I've no idea of what is SQL or PHP and so on) but I found very easy to integrate database created with zoho creator and the Feed Module already showed in others pages by other users.
The advantages of using this combination instead of simply using the "embed in your web site" option provided by zoho, are that you can have a full control of the layout that can be perfectly integrated in your web-design, you can filter results and show only the propers one, you can integrate zoho records between the
wiki text, if you want to change your layout or add some records ore delete others, is much more fast and easy, and much more important: you can allowed other people to add records, that will be displayed in real time in your wiki, without the needs to give them access to your wiki editing, etc.
I'm not very good to explain all the advantage, but if you visit some of the link I list here you can understand by yourself the results (specially if you keep in mind that 90% of what you see in the wiki is originally stored in zoho application, allowing me to recall, for example, the same line in different page for different use and with different formatting)
Reference about Feed Module can be found here and a good example here
An explanation of what zoho creator is and how it works can be found here
You can easily recall records from zoho databases exporting your database to rss (you don't even need to make your database pubblic, as you can activate Private Link Permalink).
At this point you need only to know that the custom zoho creator feed syntax is: %%custom_zc:FieldName%%
Now I have to work on my wiki, but If I will see that somebody find this page interesting, I will be back to explain a bit better who does it works.
this is an example:
[[table style="margin: 0 10px; width: 100%;"]]
[[cell style="vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid silver; width: 20%;"]]
[[collapsible show="+ Europe" hide="- hide this content"]]
[[module Feed src=""]]
%%custom zc:jurisdictionID%% **%%custom zc:wikipage%%**
[[cell style="vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid silver; width: 20%;"]]
[[collapsible show="+ North & South America" hide="- hide this content"]]
[[module Feed src=""]]
%%custom zc:jurisdictionID%% **%%custom zc:wikilink%%**
[[cell style="vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid silver; width: 20%;"]]
[[collapsible show="+ Asia & Middle East" hide="- hide this content"]]
[[module Feed src=""]]
%%custom zc:jurisdictionID%% **%%custom zc:wikilink%%**
[[cell style="vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid silver; width: 20%;"]]
[[collapsible show="+ Australia & Pacific Rim" hide="- hide this content"]]
[[module Feed src=""]]
%%custom zc:jurisdictionID%% **%%custom zc:wikilink%%**
[[cell style="vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid silver; width: 20%;"]]
[[collapsible show="+ Africa" hide="- hide this content"]]
[[module Feed src=""]]
%%custom zc:jurisdictionID%% **%%custom zc:wikilink%%**
In action
Below you can see the example in action, but you can see many others different application for this by visiting my wiki site and in particular here, here, and here
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by giovanni_lp
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Zoho Creator can be embedded in wiki site. However, pasting code from zoho creates provide code for the particular view you have selected. So if you have more than one view provided for your database you need to copy and paste two codes, on two different pages to enable different views. I have included one view at this wiki
I would be really interested to know more about embedding a Zoho Creator application on my wiki site. Copying the simple parts of your code seems to work, but I only get a summary view instead of a list view like I want.
Can you explain the syntax on the filtering, please? I can see "Africa" in the code, but what about the numbers around it? I don't want to create 50 different views in zoho creator if I can do it by code.