By Sputbot
To be able to indent a new paragraph as with the tab key, copy the code or modify it to one's own needs.
[[span style="margin-left:40px"]] This paragraph is indented. You can also change the number of pixels it is indented by changing the number before the px. Here are some examples: [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:20px"]] 1. Paragraph 1 [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:40px"]] 1.1. Paragraph 1.1 [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:40px"]] 1.2. Paragraph 1.3 [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:60px"]] 1.2.1. Paragraph 1.2.1 [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:20px"]] 2. Paragraph 2 [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:40px"]] 2.1. Paragraph 2.1 [[/span]]
[[span style="margin-left:20px"]] 3. Paragraph 3 [[/span]]
In action
This paragraph is indented. You can also change the number of pixels it is indented by changing the number before the px. Here are some examples:
1. Paragraph 1
1.1. Paragraph 1.1
1.2. Paragraph 1.3
1.2.1. Paragraph 1.2.1
2. Paragraph 2
2.1. Paragraph 2.1
3. Paragraph 3
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by Sputbot
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Thank you! It really is ridiculous that there's no syntax for this already!
But for normal intended paragraph-start I use always the simmple
@@ @@ at the beginning…( non rendering the spaces inside..)
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if your code is not working..
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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I can't get the above to work.
Yes, please post a link to the page you are using it on and let us view the source code. We'll try to figure out what the problem is.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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It would be great if you could use a single character to indent that line, like wikia pages. They use the : or ; characters to indent a line. Hope someone manages to implement it! It would cut down on all the confusing code.
Is there any way to indent from the right side of the page?
I would use span/div style="padding-right:20em;" or margin-right:…."
have a look at
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