So how to make a veeeery simple gallery from your pictures? Suppose you do not want to use Flickr but rather attach files to the certain page.
In fact it will be just a collection of thumbnails. After you click the thumbnail, full-size image will be opened.
The very simple solution is to:
- create a page where you want to put browsable gallery.
- click on "files" (page options at the bottom) and "upload new file". upload the file.
- repeat this for all your image files.
- put the following piece of code:
or add some extra attributes, e.g.
[[gallery size="small"]]
And it should just work!
[[gallery size="medium"]]
More sophisticated usage of the [[gallery]] tag is described in the Wiki Syntax description page.
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by michal frackowiak
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I post galleries like this:
: name_of_your_file.jpg
: name_of_your_other_file.jpg
First, format your images for the web by making sure that they are 72 resolution and no larger than 640 x 480 (I make my images 5.5 inches high, approx.)
Good luck.
what a tangle web
Is there a way to make gallery without all those borders and with images of 123px width? Or just to make image that can be opened by click without "link: http:link-to-image". I didn't found anything x_x If you know, please write me a message because I rarely look for new comments.
Thanks for your reply!
As it turns out, I solved the problem by using the following syntax:
{[[tab Name of Tab 1]]}
{: Name of image file 1}
{: Name of image file 2}
{: Name of image file 3}
[[tab Name of Tab 2]]
{: Name of image file 4}
{: Name of image file 5}
{: Name of image file 6}
Et cetera, et cetera!
I think this will serve my purposes without slowing things down too much.
Can you organize more than 1 gallery on a single page? I want to have different picture galleries appear in different tabs on one of my pages. Thanks!
The answer is - yes and no:
Yes - if you use different sources for the galleries :
( using different tags of flickr sorage - id's)
Yes - if you use the gallery not as a short - call ( as in the example page here) but with single image-source -definitions as in the description:
NO: if you try to use the short form [[gallery]] there is no difference taken in the images of the page - all attached images are shown at this location of the gallery tag.
It would be goo to use any "include" page with a gallery tag with different attached images… but the include source is taken as it is and the images are not found if the pagename is not used ( like /pagename/image-name.jpg ).
NO: it is not a good idea to "overwhelm" any browser with lots of images - and only the first tab is shown at the beginnning of the download - the browser is loading and loading tons of images and nobody can see why in this moment - the other tabs are filled in the background.
"Tabs" mean - they are all incorporated at the one page and downloaded at the start of the page in one go.
And all images placed any where in the tabs too!
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But I think you mean this all a little ironic ?
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