By vchak
Allows for the publishing of presentations directly from within Powerpoint to a url, in flash format. These presentations can then be embedded inside wikis. What makes it interesting is that the presentation can itself contain links which are clickable.
Furthermore, presentations can be protected by an optional password, and viewing metrics and analytics can be tracked on them.
The url that a presentation is published on can stay the same (in this case here ) but John can publish the next version of the presentation directly to the same url from PowerPoint, making it extremely easy to update the content.
<iframe src="" height=380 width=480 style="border:none"></iframe>
In action
This code was commented out to stop the automatic redirect to the slideaware site.
[[iframe height="380" width="480" style="border:none"]]
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by vchak
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What about slideshare?
Here is a post on the SlideAware support blog detailing the steps to embed a SlideShow. There are also details of additional features of SlideAware links that will be useful in embedded SlideShow scenarios.
that doesnt work. its for the Pro version presumably, as edit link isn't available to non Pro accounts from what I can see.
back to Zoho we go :)
Hmm, thats strange. Edit link is available to everyone. You need to create a link to a presentation before you can edit it, using the create link button, on the bottom right part of the screen. Lemme know if you have any issues.
As you've outlined it, I can't get it to work. I even copied and pasted the code above.
I tried the Zoho Show embed and it worked fine.
I am learning but still not very savvy with code detail.
Your solution looks promising but I am stuck.
Hi Rod,
The outlined iframe was for a generic embed in any wiki. For wikidot, the embed that has been used is