By RobElliott
Embed powerpoint and other presentations from Slideshare in your wiki page. This solution puts the embed code inside html tags and then references that html code in an iframe. You will need a free account at Slideshare and will then need to upload your powerpoint presentation.
First you need to put the embed code from Slideshare inside html within the <body> </body> tags as follows:
[[code type="html"]]
<div style="width:425px;text-align:left" id="__ss_270855"><a style="font:14px Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;display:block;margin:12px 0 3px 0;text-decoration:underline;" href="" title="Web 2.0 Business Models">Web 2.0 Business Models</a><object style="margin:0px" width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="355"></embed></object><div style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma,arial;height:26px;padding-top:2px;">View more <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="">presentations</a> from <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="">Teemu Arina</a>.</div></div>
Then add an iframe to reference the code above. If it is the first html codeblock on your page then you use code/1, if it's the second you put code/2 etc.
[[iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="425" height="400px"]]
In action
Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet: conditional-blocks
text above inserted with:
[[include :snippets:if START |unique=1|type=equal|var1=%%name%%|var2=conditional-blocks]]
**##red|Thanks to tsangk for this great snippet:##** [[[code:conditional-blocks]]]
[[include :snippets:if END]]
Other snippets posted by RobElliott
Sproutbuilder - 16 Feb 2012 01:44
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Not sure what has happened - I could only see the "no code block available…."
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Alternative code would be:
This is just getting the src of embed tag in code from slideshare and using it as the iframe src parameter (+ some sugar).
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
I have noticed that occasionally the second method doesn't display the presentation. I have no idea why and it doesn't seem to happen on every site or every time. It might just be something in browser cache settings.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.