I am using this code in a private page of mine, and I see both … any idea why? :S
[[include :snippets:suo BEGIN CODE |type=showto |user1=james-kanjo |user2=michal-frackowiak]]
Hello James Kanjo & Michał Frąckowiak!!!
[[include :snippets:suo END CODE]]
[[include :snippets:suo BEGIN CODE |type=showto |user1=james-kanjo |user2=michal-frackowiak |user3=leiger]]
Hello James Kanjo & Michał Frąckowiak & leiger !!!
[[include :snippets:suo END CODE]]
Edit: Code posted here: http://sandbox.wikidot.com/james-kanjo-suo-test:page (same result, I see both). If this works as you say it does, I am truly impressed. So far I can't get it working properly though :(
Edit2: It seems that if I use this code, I see neither. So the second one is taking precedence?
[[include :snippets:suo BEGIN CODE |type=showto |user1=james-kanjo |user2=michal-frackowiak]]
Hello James Kanjo & Michał Frąckowiak!!!
[[include :snippets:suo END CODE]]
[[include :snippets:suo BEGIN CODE |type=hidefrom |user1=james-kanjo |user2=michal-frackowiak |user3=leiger]]
Goodbye James Kanjo & Michał Frąckowiak & leiger !!!
[[include :snippets:suo END CODE]]
Edit3: Just to confirm for you… it is working perfectly fine in the example you have posted on this page. All I see is Hello Everybody Else!!!
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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